
Welcome words
Aurélie Rosemberg, Fondation Dalle Molle
Sept. 11, 2021 · 4 p.m.
Jean-Pierre Rausis, Président de la Fondation Dalle Molle
Sept. 11, 2021 · 4:15 p.m.
Artificial intelligence and quality of life
H. Bourlard, Idiap Research Institute
Sept. 11, 2021 · 4:30 p.m.
Artificial intelligence to think like humans
Melanie Mitchell, Professor at the Santa Fe Institute
Sept. 11, 2021 · 4:45 p.m.
Towards human-centered robotics
Sylvain Calinon, Research Director at the Idiap Research Institute
Sept. 11, 2021 · 5 p.m.
Supporting sustainable transitions around the world through water technology
Eric Valette, Director of AQUA4D
Sept. 11, 2021 · 5:15 p.m.
Biometric security
Sébastien Marcel, Research Director at the Idiap Research Institute
Sept. 11, 2021 · 5:30 p.m.
Compatibility with humans: AI and the problem of control
Stuart russel, Professor of Computer Science and Smith-Zadeh Professor of Engineering, University of California, Honorary Fellow of Berkeley and Wadham College at Oxford
Sept. 11, 2021 · 5:45 p.m.
Model subjectivity at the heart of consciousness to make robots more human
David Rudrauf, Associate professor at the University of Geneva, Director of the laboratory of the multimodal modeling of Emotion and Feeling
Sept. 11, 2021 · 6 p.m.
Round table
Sept. 11, 2021 · 6:15 p.m.